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🚨 Advanced Super Speciality Hospitals

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🚨 Advanced Super Speciality Hospitals

Hernia surgery cost in Hyderabad

Hernia surgery costs in Hyderabad typically range from ₹20,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on the patient’s condition and the specific type of hernia surgery required. The cost of hernia operations in Hyderabad is relatively low compared to other cities. With advancements in medical technology, hernia surgery has become more affordable and accessible.

Introduction To Hernia

Hernias are a common issue in today’s society. A hernia is an opening or weak spot in the abdominal wall that allows tissue or organs to protrude outward. It feels like an object or protrusion in the stomach, particularly noticeable when straining, coughing, or leaning over. Activities like running or heavy lifting can exacerbate discomfort by putting additional strain on the abdomen.

Types of Hernia

1. Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs when soft tissue bulges through a weak point in the abdominal muscles. It is often identifiable by a bulge, although not all inguinal hernias are visible, especially in obese patients. An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles, forming a bulge in the groin. It can cause discomfort during physical activity and typically requires surgical repair to prevent complications like incarceration or strangulation. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to manage inguinal hernias effectively.

2. Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernias develop when part of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal muscles near the belly button. An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot near the belly button. It appears as a bulge and can affect infants and adults, sometimes requiring surgical repair to prevent complications. Early diagnosis and medical evaluation are crucial for managing umbilical hernias effectively.

3. Hiatal Hernia 

Hiatal hernias involve a portion of the stomach sliding up into the chest through the opening of the diaphragm.

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It can cause symptoms like heartburn and difficulty swallowing, often linked with acid reflux. Treatment may include medications to manage symptoms or surgical intervention in severe cases to prevent complications and improve quality of life. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are key in addressing hiatal hernias effectively.

These are a few of the most typical hernia types. Femoral and incisional hernias are other forms of hernia.

Causes of Hernia 

Increased Pressure within the Abdomen

Increased abdominal pressure, such as from heavy lifting or obesity, can strain the abdominal muscles, potentially leading to hernias by forcing weakened areas to protrude. Hernia surgery may be necessary to repair such protrusions and prevent complications.

A Pre-existing Weak Spot in the Abdominal Wall

Weak spots in the abdominal wall, often present from birth or due to previous surgeries, can predispose individuals to hernias, where internal organs or tissues may protrude through these areas under strain. Hernia surgery is often recommended to reinforce these weak spots and prevent hernia formation.

Straining during Bowel Movements or Urination

Frequent straining during bowel movements or urination can stress the abdominal muscles, increasing the risk of developing hernias over time, especially in weakened areas of the abdominal wall. In severe cases, hernia surgery may be required to repair the herniated tissue and restore normal abdominal function.

Strenuous Activity

Engaging in strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting or intense physical exertion, can strain the abdominal muscles and increase intra-abdominal pressure, potentially leading to hernias in susceptible individuals. Hernia surgery can help repair these muscles and reduce the risk of hernia recurrence.


During pregnancy, the growing uterus can exert pressure on the abdominal wall, contributing to the development of hernias, particularly in areas where muscles are naturally weaker or stretched. Depending on the severity, hernia surgery may be considered to alleviate discomfort and prevent complications.

Chronic Coughing or Sneezing

Chronic coughing or frequent bouts of sneezing can strain the abdominal muscles over time, potentially causing hernias in vulnerable areas where the abdominal wall is weakened or compromised. Hernia surgery can repair these weakened areas and help manage symptoms effectively.

Symptoms Of Hernia  

Difficulty Passing Stool or Passing Wind

Inguinal hernias can obstruct bowel movements and gas passage due to abdominal tissue protruding into the groin, causing discomfort and bowel habit changes.

Pain and Swelling around the Testicles

Hernias in the inguinal region may lead to testicular pain and swelling, particularly after physical activity, indicating the need for medical evaluation to prevent complications.


Hernias can obstruct the digestive tract, causing infrequent bowel movements and abdominal discomfort, often requiring medical management.


Hernias, especially when strangulated, can lead to nausea due to bowel obstruction, requiring immediate medical attention.

Bulge in the Groin

A visible bulge in the groin is a typical symptom of inguinal hernias, often necessitating surgical intervention for relief.

Burning Sensation

Hernias may cause a burning sensation at the bulge site, especially during physical exertion, indicating muscle strain.

Pain While Lifting

Aggravation of hernias can cause pain during lifting or straining, indicating the need for medical evaluation and possibly surgery.

Pain at the Hernia Site

Persistent pain at the hernia site, especially with movement, suggests possible complications requiring prompt medical attention.


Hiatal hernias can lead to heartburn or acid reflux symptoms, managed through lifestyle changes or medication to alleviate discomfort.

Treatment Options for Hernia 

Treatment options for hernias range from non-surgical approaches to surgical procedures, depending on the severity and type of hernia. Treatment options for hernias include surgical repair, which can be open or minimally invasive (laparoscopic or robotic), and non-surgical management such as lifestyle changes or hernia belts. Surgical options vary based on hernia size and patient preference, aiming to relieve symptoms and prevent complications effectively.

1. Surgery for an Open Hernia

To repair the hernia, the surgeon makes a groin incision. The herniated tissue is placed back into position and the area is reinforced with synthetic mesh. The incision is then sealed using surgical glue, staples, or stitches. Open hernia surgery involves making a larger incision at the hernia site to repair and reinforce the abdominal wall with mesh. This traditional approach provides direct access for effective repair but may involve more post-operative discomfort and longer recovery compared to minimally invasive methods. It’s chosen based on hernia size and patient needs for optimal treatment.

2. Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernias  

In laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes multiple tiny incisions in the lower abdomen and inserts specialized instruments. The abdominal wall is then closed and strengthened using a piece of mesh. Laparoscopic surgery for hernias, also known as minimally invasive surgery, involves making small incisions through which a camera and specialized tools are used to repair the hernia. This approach offers benefits such as less pain, faster recovery, and smaller scars compared to traditional open surgery. It’s a preferred option for many patients due to its minimally invasive nature and reduced risk of complications.

3. Robotic Repair 

This minimally invasive procedure involves making small incisions, which may facilitate quicker recovery and cause less discomfort. Some patients can return home the same day. Robotic hernia repair is an advanced, minimally invasive technique using robotic technology for precise surgical repair of hernias. With small incisions and robotic control, it offers benefits like reduced pain, faster recovery, and enhanced surgical precision, making it ideal for complex cases or those preferring minimally invasive procedures.

If your symptoms are severe or worsening, or if the hernia interferes with your daily activities, surgery may be recommended. However, if your overall health is poor, surgery may be too risky, and in some cases, the dangers might outweigh the potential benefits.


As discussed, hernia surgery costs in Hyderabad depend on the patient’s condition and the type of treatment chosen. Hernia surgery has become common and affordable nowadays, with many opting for surgery based on their situation and budget. The cost of hernia surgery in Hyderabad is lower compared to other cities. Choosing the right hospital is crucial. Wellness Hospital is one of the best hernia surgery hospitals in Hyderabad, offering premium treatment at an affordable cost. Consult our best general surgeon and hernia expert today. Book your appointment now.


FAQs About Hernia Surgery


1. What is a hernia, and how do I know if I need surgery?

A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle or connective tissue. You might need surgery if your hernia causes pain, discomfort, or complications like obstruction or strangulation. Your doctor can help determine if surgery is the best option for you.

2. What types of hernia surgery are there? 

There are two main types of hernia surgery:

  • Open Surgery: A single large incision is made to push the protruding tissue back into place, and the muscle wall is repaired, often with mesh.
  • Laparoscopic Surgery: Several small incisions are used, and a camera guides the repair. This method usually involves less pain and a quicker recovery.

3. What should I expect during recovery?

Recovery can vary, but generally:

  • Pain Management: You’ll likely have some pain, which can be managed with medication.
  • Activity: Light activity like walking is encouraged, but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for several weeks.
  • Follow-Up: Attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing.

4. How long does it take to recover from hernia surgery? 

Recovery time depends on the type of surgery. Many people return to light activities within a week or two. Full recovery, especially for strenuous activities, may take 4-6 weeks.

5. What are the risks of hernia surgery? 

Risks include infection, bleeding, and recurrence of the hernia. Complications from anesthesia and the development of chronic pain are also possible. Discussing these risks with your surgeon can help you understand and prepare for your surgery.