Welcome to our Anaesthesiology department, where we provide expert care for patients undergoing surgical procedures. Our skilled team of anesthesiologists work closely with surgeons, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective administration of anesthesia during surgery. Our goal is to provide optimal pain management, comfort, and safety for our patients throughout their surgical journey.
As an Anaesthesiology department, our primary focus is on the administration of anesthesia during surgery rather than diagnosis. However, our anesthesiologists thoroughly evaluate each patient’s medical history, physical examination, and preoperative assessment to determine the appropriate type and dosage of anesthesia for the surgical procedure.
Our Anaesthesiology department provides a wide range of anesthesia services, including:
General Anesthesia: This involves inducing a controlled state of unconsciousness for the duration of the procedure, typically used for major surgeries or procedures that require the patient to be completely unconscious.
Regional Anesthesia: This involves numbing specific areas of the body using local anesthetics, typically used for procedures involving a specific region of the body, such as joint surgeries or nerve blocks.
Sedation: This involves administering medications to help the patient relax and feel comfortable during a procedure while remaining conscious but in a relaxed state.
Monitoring: Our team monitors patients’ vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and other parameters, throughout the procedure to ensure their safety and well-being.
Management of Emergencies: Our anaesthesiologists are trained to handle emergencies and complications that may arise during the administration of anesthesia, including adverse reactions, airway management, and resuscitation.